Tonje Fyhn
Tonje Fyhn
Senior researcher, NORCE
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A randomized controlled multicenter trial of individual placement and support for patients with moderate-to-severe mental illness
SE Reme, K Monstad, T Fyhn, V Sveinsdottir, C Løvvik, SA Lie, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 45 (1), 33-41, 2019
Resilience factors among police investigators: Hardiness-commitment a unique contributor
T Fyhn, KK Fjell, BH Johnsen
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 31, 261-269, 2016
Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning (NEET). En analyse av unge i NEET-kategorien
T Fyhn, R Radlick, V Sveinsdottir
NORCE Helse, 2021
Effektevaluering av Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS): sluttrapport
SE Reme, K Monstad, T Fyhn, S Øverland, K Ludvigsen, V Sveinsdottir, ...
Uni Helse, 2016
Protocol for the effect evaluation of Individual Placement and Support (IPS): a randomized controlled multicenter trial of IPS versus treatment as usual for patients with …
V Sveinsdottir, C Løvvik, T Fyhn, K Monstad, K Ludvigsen, S Øverland, ...
BMC psychiatry 14, 1-10, 2014
Mangfoldsledelse» og innvandreres tilknytning til arbeidsplassen
GM Sandal, HH Bye, T Fyhn, V Markova
Bergen: Society and workplace diversity group, Institutt for …, 2013
Predictors of employment in people with moderate to severe mental illness participating in a randomized controlled trial of Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
T Fyhn, S Øverland, SE Reme
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 67 (2), 150-157, 2021
A structured mixed method process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial of Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
T Fyhn, K Ludvigsen, SE Reme, F Schaafsma
Implementation science communications 1, 1-11, 2020
Development of the workplace inclusion questionnaire (WIQ)
V Sveinsdottir, TL Johnsen, T Fyhn, J Opsahl, TH Tveito, A Indahl, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 50 (3), 371-380, 2022
A mixed methods study of employers’ and employees’ evaluations of job seekers with a mental illness, disability, or of a cultural minority
T Fyhn, V Sveinsdottir, SE Reme, GM Sandal
Work 70 (1), 235-245, 2021
Workplace inclusion of people with health issues, immigrants, and unemployed youths—A qualitative study of Norwegian leaders’ experiences
TL Johnsen, T Fyhn, A Jordbru, S Torp, TH Tveito, I Øyeflaten
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 687384, 2022
Evaluering av samarbeidet mellom NAV og helsetjenesten om Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS)
T Fyhn, O Øygarden, K Monstad, M Skagseth
NORCE Helse, 2021
Teknologi og inkludering av personer med nedsatt syn i arbeidslivet: Kunnskapsoppsummering
KS Fuglerud, T Fyhn, T Halbach, K Kjæret, TA Olsen
Report at the Norwegian Computing Center, 2021
Resultatrapport for kompetanseprosjektet “Mangfold på arbeidsplassen”
T Fyhn, TL Johnsen, IL Øyeflaten, A Jordbru, TH Tveito
NORCE Helse, 2019
The role of technology for the inclusion of people with visual impairments in the workforce
T Halbach, KS Fuglerud, T Fyhn, K Kjæret, TA Olsen
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 466-478, 2022
Unge som står utenfor arbeid, opplæring og utdanning (NEET). En analyse av unge i NEET-kategorien (Rapport 2-2021, NORCE Helse). NORCE
T Fyhn, R Radlick, V Sveinsdottir
Stop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in Norway
H Slaatten, BSM Haugland, R Bjørknes, T Fyhn, TH Tveito, VP Poteat, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 1051983, 2023
Interventions targeting young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) for increased likelihood of return to school or employment—A systematic review
TH Stea, TB Bertelsen, L Fegran, E Sejersted, AL Kleppang, T Fyhn
Plos one 19 (6), e0306285, 2024
Synshemmede i arbeidslivet: Et arbeidsgiverperspektiv
T Fyhn, T Halbach, K Skeide Fuglerud, K Kjæret, TA Olsen
NORCE-Norwegian Research Centre AS, 2022
Barriers and facilitators to increasing work participation among people with moderate to severe mental illness
T Fyhn
The University of Bergen, 2021
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Artículos 1–20